January 7, 2008 Jill

Story2Oh! is coming soon to a computer screen near you.

Story2Oh! is my experiment in web-based story telling. Chapter 1: boymeetgrrl rolls out next Monday. New content will go up each day for a week.

Simon Beals, Ali Barrett and the other Story2Oh! characters are active internet users. Their stories play out in their vlogs, blogs, Flickr photo albums, on Facebook and through their other social networking activity.

The pieces of the story are all over the place, to find them, you’ll have to click around the way you do when you’re wasting time meandering around the net (or at least the way I do). Nothing is hidden; it’s not a game of hide and seek. But the story’s not in one place either. I’ve tried to put bits of story wherever you can put up content for free; which is everywhere.

I’ve also used a variety of media: photos, text and video in this chapter. I’d like to add some animation and music in future chapters.

It’ll be interesting to see how this works as a story telling device. You kind of have to work to find all the pieces and it is impossible for me as a creator to predetermine the order in which you encounter the elements. I hope you will participate in the experiment and let me know how it works from an audience perspective.

The project is my first real adventure in producing. Chapter 1 is based on a story by fellow Toronto screenwriter Karen Hill. We had writing help from Bobby Theodore. Briane Nasimok directed the video components. Both of them are Toronto-based screenwriters as well. One of the things I like best about the project is that it’s completely writer driven.

So clear your desk, hold your calls and keep your browser tuned to Facebook. Story2Oh! debuts Monday January 14, 2008.

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