July 17, 2008 Jill

Mike McPhaden‘s first post from Montreal:

Comedy is serious business. It can make people rich, famous, and sometimes, even laugh. Which is why some of the comedy world’s most serious funny people are descending upon Montreal for the first annual Just Comedy Conference.

The two-day conference, set smack in the middle of the 26th Just For Laughs Festival, is the perfect way for writers, producers, and broadcasters to eat, sleep, and breath the business side of the comedy equation. Over the coming days, I’ll have the honour of guest-blogging on topics like the secrets of the comedy pitch, making the leap from online to on TV, and we’ll get a look into the minds of some of the funny business’s brightest lights. Stay tuned.

Later in the same interview, Seinfeld explains why he and Garry walked away from a successful TV series while they were still popular:

It always wins in the end. Television always wins. These shows we had if we didn’t kill them, they would kill us. And it’s not a fair fight. You can subdue it for a period of time — a long period of time. We were fortunate to do it for a long period of time. But it’s only getting stronger and you’re getting weaker.