January 24, 2009 Jill

Season 3 of Skins is back with a whole new cast.

Check out the opening 8 minutes of the first episode on YouTube before it disappears (the embed is disabled). It’s not quite as beautiful as the brilliant teaser of the pilot episode, but it’s still pretty good. There’s a long skateboarding sequence featuring a new character, Freddie. A ding signals an incoming text message: “sparking yr last spliff.” Then the all important first line of the season, “Fuckers.” And plenty more before we catch up with Effy, Tony’s little sister, who I’ve been dying to see more of since those very first moments of season 1. Now it looks like the series is all hers.


Comments (2)

  1. blog ward

    This post contains language some may find offensive:

    This looks very pretty, but I’m afraid it’s really dreadfully acted, and the dialogue bears little relation to anything people of any age, culture or character say to one another. Undistinguished repertory.

  2. The first episode is odd. Does it strike you at all that they’ve juvie’d up the tone at all?

    What I liked about SKINS was that the “uselessness” of the adults (a teen show necessity) wasn’t too arch. They were useless, but in predictable ways that weren’t so off the mark.

    They’ve amped the action so much that they seem very cartoony.

    I love Pandora. I could watch her and Effy all day, but the smartypants kid is no Sid. This just feels like the first time they replaced the SNL cast for that Doumanian year. They’re off kilter and fun has definitely been lost.

    And I want to punch Cook in the mouth. Never felt that way ’bout Chris.

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