Lily’s baby isn’t due till March” unless she made some serious miscalculations.
David is about to get fired, spilled on and dumped.
It’s going to be an interesting week.
Crushing It is a social web comedy in which each character’s twitter feed and blog is written by a different writer. As part of Social Media Week, in a daring feat of collaborative story telling, nine writers will spin the tale live on Twitter daily from February 1st to 5th with most activity around 1 and 6 pm eastern.
Crushing It is an homage to Gary Vaynerchuk and his book, Crush It! Neal, Gam3rgurl and David are all Gary V fans and are on the web nightly, crushing it and hoping that one day, Gary will follow back.
Follow the story by following the Twitter list @crushingitstory/crushing-it-story, searching the hashtag #cistory or following the aggregation on our soon to live website.
Kevin Burton
Jill, love the digital envelope pushing !
Thanks Kevin!!