May 9, 2012 Jill

Is it only Wednesday?

So much has happened this week. We locked our library location yesterday. That was huge. We’ll be shooting at a gorgeous old library at University of Toronto. It is a dream location. Waiting to hear back has been very difficult. We’re 13 days out from shooting and we don’t have a shooting schedule yet because we’ve been waiting to find out what location we would have and what days they can accommodate us. The pressure is on our first AD Jason Bourke now. Hopefully, we’ll have a schedule by the end of the weekend and that will make everything feel way more real.

The other big thing that happened yesterday was that I finished another draft of the script. It had ballooned up to 96 pages and I managed to whittle it back down to 85. The script has changed quite a bit in the last three weeks.  There is a time in the writing process, when the structure feels very rigid and everything seems to have only one possible place where it can happen.  That time is long past.  The story seems to be like Lego now.  I can take it apart and re-assemble it in any number of ways.  And I keep pulling it apart and trying new things which drives my writing partner Julie insane.

I will keep tweaking the script as we move toward production, playing with dialogue and emotional arcs and cut, cut, cutting where I can.  But I think we’re good structurally now.

Okay, that isn’t entirely true.  There are two scenes I want to try in new locations but that won’t affect production, really.

When it comes to script, today’s agenda includes going through the Clearance Report, annotating the script to show the flow of interactive elements and meeting with the director to talk.